Why are there so many different religions?

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This question goes way back in time,

which is why we do not look for the answer from religious experts such as the Christian pastor, the Muslim imam, the Jewish rabbi, or the Indian guru, but in human history. As grave goods and temples from the Stone Age show, our ancestors moved early on in two worlds of thought. One related to things that they could “grasp” with the senses, such as eating or hunting, the other was about something important that they  considered ” In-comprehensible “was, for example:” What power is behind the foundations of life light, water, fertile soil? ” or “What comes after death?” There was only one thing: Faith! This is how countless cults and religions emerged around the world.

The Religions

How many religions are there today? Nobody knows. The five most famous are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Christianity 2.38 billion

Christianity is the largest religious group. She was sent from Judaism 2000 years ago as a result of the work of the Jewish traveling preacher Jesus of Nazareth, described in the Bible.

At Christmas, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus from Nazareth. He was born between 7 and 4 BC. and between 30 or 31 ad crucified.

   Judaism 14.6 million

The Jewish religion is 1000 years older than Christianity. During the Second World War, the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews.

  Buddhism 507 million

Buddhism is in fourth place. Buddhists live according to the teachings of the traveling preacher Siddharta Gautama, whom they call Buddha. He lived around 600 BC. Chr. in India.

  Hinduism 1.16 trillion

Hinduism, the third-largest religion in the world, is a complex network of many traditions that can be traced back almost 4000 years.

  Islam 1.91 trillion

Mohammed, born around 570 in Mecca, died 632 in Medina, is the founder of Islam, the second-largest religion in the world.

No Religion or Ethicists 1.19 trillion


Other Religions.  491 million