Memories from the time in the Swiss Army
Where are they all now, 54 years later?! The second page is a price list of provisions calculated for 100 Soldiers, that I had to use during my time!
Where are they all now, 54 years later?! The second page is a price list of provisions calculated for 100 Soldiers, that I had to use during my time!
Als Koch kam ich 1972 auf den Bermudas an, einer subtropischen Insel im Atlantik, etwa 700 Meilen vor der Küste New Yorks oder Carolinas. Direkt nach meinem Militärdienst in der Schweizer Armee war es mein erster Flug aus der Schweiz … Read More
As a Chef, I arrived in Bermuda, a subtropical island in the Atlantic Ocean, about 700 miles off the coast of New York or the Carolinas, as a chef in 1972. Fresh off my military service in the Swiss Army, … Read More
Leadership style at eye level has always helped me the most during my hospitality career for 50 years. It didn’t matter whether I was talking to a Dishwasher, a prep cook, or a General Manager. That was always important to … Read More
Additional Restaurants by Ulrich K Ulrich’s Martini’s Bistro-Bar, Miami, Florida, 2001-2007 Ulrich on Mexican National TV Commercial Ulrich’s Hot Chocolates, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1997 – 2001
Is Miami on your bucket list? then here is a list of Eating places along Brickell Avenue in Miami Click on the picture below, or right here, to enter the article