This was a popping “Hot Chocolate”!

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Hot Chocolate does not always have to be a beverage, it can also be a Restaurant and Entertainment-Night Club as this one was. A concept created by Steve Vincent, Back in 1997, this was a project I was involved in with him. Located on the corner of Oakland Park Boulevard and North Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this hot spot was a great concept featuring an open kitchen, a beautiful Bar & Lounge, and a Private Dining Room for 12 people. Adjacent to the restaurant was a Night Club with a 15-piece live band, the dance floor in the center was surrounded by 3 large bars.
We accrued many accolades for the food and service during the 5-year run after that, in 2001, the business was sold.

I just came across these pictures going through my filing boxes and thought some of you out there would probably enjoy seeing them.

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