Medical CBD Review

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Medical CBD Products

After  my hand Trapeziectomy surgery,

the surgeon prescribed me some painkillers, my son recommended that I should try medical CBD! The idea sounded pretty crazy as I never smoked in my life before, however, I decided to purchase some online and started smoking it, the only problem was that I had to roll the damn thing which I couldn’t master very well, and then smoke it! so I decided to use the old Ivory pipe that was sitting on my bookshelf for the past 25 years and smoked it using the pipe.

Well, it certainly worked, my pains gradually diminished by the time I finished smoking the cigarette and I felt good for the rest of the day and slept like a hibernating bear that nite. So whenever the pains are unbearable I stuff my pipe with CBD Hemp sit back, relax and wait for the pain to go away.

About a month later I mentioned it to a co-worker of mine, Angie, who suffers from epilepsy, I told her how CBD helps people with epilepsy to reduce and in many cases stop epilepsy attacks. She looked at me almost amazed that I would even know and smoke CBD! I told her to try it for a while and see what the result would be, she kind of scrubbed it off and went to do her job.

About three weeks later, as I was walking into work, she came running up to me saying “I tried it, I smoked it! it really felt good, I haven’t had an attack during that time!

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I asked her to keep me informed about her situation, I also told her if she didn’t want to smoke it she could purchase CBD oil which she could place under her tongue twice a day instead of smoking it.

I really became a believer,

and after CBD products don’t get you high such as THC, which is the part in Cannabis that makes you high, you will not feel anything except the pains go away! and it is harmless with no side effects! Try it! Researching the different products online I can’t believe that this isn’t recommended more by physicians! It’s natural, organic, has no side effects, doesn’t make you high, and is a lot less costly than pharmaceutical remedies



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