Animal vs. Plant Base Diets

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Meat vs. Plant Base Proteins
For many years I believed that the best way to consume protein was by eating meat!  Of course, I also knew that beans and nuts are a good source of proteins.

A few days ago I watched, together with my family, a Netflix documentary called “The Game Changers”.  As a chef, I have slaughtered a few animals myself during my cheffing career, from disassembling a cow during my Officer Schooling in the Swiss Army as Corporal Head Chef, and also all kinds of birds and eatable creatures stipulated and, necessary on my menus. There was also a range of exotic meats, from Alligator, Hippopotamus, Lion, and Antilope, of course, I didn’t slaughter those animals, I just purchased the meat. 

 I suppose when one reaches a certain age, one becomes a bit more aware of what you should and shouldn’t eat in order to extend the remaining years we have to live with, or at least live a less painful life during old age.

What causes type 1 diabetes? 

It begins when something disrupts your body’s ability to turn the food you eat into energy, and also when your immune system, the body’s system for fighting infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas.  Some scientists think type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might trigger the disease; the part about genes is being disputed by many other professors and doctors. I am proof of the fact that diabetes is not hereditary, as I am on my father’s side, therefore also have his genes, (I look like him too) he had diabetes and so did his brother, both smokers, drinkers, and meat-eaters! My last physical results were “in good shape”, just a bit too much blood in the system, so I shall donate blood in order to get rid of some! I don’t smoke, nor do I abuse alcohol consumption.

Watch an explanatory video here, how diabetes 1 and 2 work

These associations seem to be mainly sponsored by major pharmaceutical companies, which are treating heart diseases and diabetes, but there are no sponsors of preventative companies, such as a farmers association, Bio manufacturers, environmental companies, etc !?

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The Swiss Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology receives earmarked financial support for research, postgraduate and continuous education as well as infrastructure from the MSD, Sanofi Aventis, Roche Diabetes Care, and Abbott. As you shall see in the aforementioned documentaries, some of these associations even promote menus consisting of food items that are the cause of heart disease and diabetes in the first place!!

The cause and problems

of our health issues are in plain sight for us! But just as the people smoking know that it will eventually kill them, people continue smoking, and people continue consuming the wrong nutrients!

Below is a list of foods that replace proteins, instead of eating meats:

in addition Edamame, Potato, Kale, and Cauliflower are also high in protein

Like everything else in this world, it’s all about money! God forbid everyone should stop eating meats; what would all the cattle farmers do? what would restaurants sell instead of meat? what would all the pharmaceutical companies do if they couldn’t sell drugs to billions of patients?

your blogging friend Ulrich Koepf