I enjoy having a presence on the web, I find it most interesting and fun to exchange ideas and opinions about any subject with friends all over the globe. My way to interact on the web is through my blogs and posts, I usually write mainly about food and travel; well travel is just about out of the question at the moment, so I concentrate on my surroundings here in Switzerland, which is an absolutely beautiful place, no matter which direction you look, however, when I see what is going on in the world with Covid 19, revolutions, uprisings, dictatorships, and what some Governments around the world are doing (or not doing) to their people, I can’t help myself to express my personnel opinions about some of those issues.
The hopping place to be in Fort Lauderdale
Serving Italian fare at Martorano’s, he has established a deserved reputation for himself, which expanded him to Pittsburgh, Vegas, and Atlantic City. Like Lenore he knows how to maintain a steady following on social platforms, I know that he worked hard to get where he is today, nothing comes from nothing in this business, and he also deserves my respect. Let’s just hope, that by spreading himself too thin with four restaurants, he doesn’t lack oversight and control of his great food, I know from personal experience that nobody does it the way you do it yourself, it doesn’t mean that they do it wrong, or not good enough, it’s just not like your way! No two chefs cook the same way! And as we all know it happens to too many talented chefs that lost control, had too many unhappy partners involved, or the bottom line profit just wasn’t there and finally had to close up shop.
36 years in Florida
During my 36 years in South Florida, I ventured into a few of my culinary enterprises! The first was Truffles Restaurant, then Martini’s Bistro-Bar, a family business, Pa D’s Gourmet Deli in Lauderdale, and a Greek Deli Take-out also in Lauderdale. I also got involved in partnerships at Hot Chocolates in Fort Lauderdale and a Theme Restaurant Concept Enterprise operating in Miami, Mexico, and Canada, and both of those ended up in disappointment, due to partnerships.
One can only be successful in the restaurant and food business if one possesses a passion for it, too many restaurants go out of business because the owner or the chef lacks the passion for it. I had some disappointing experiences with a couple of my partner-ventures, besides the lack of passion, there is also a certain amount of greed at play, and also just the wrong reasons for getting into the restaurant business in the first place, there is no way of making a quick buck by getting into this business, that can only be achieved through passion, hard work, sacrifices, and determination.
Stay safe and healthy!! Ulrich Koepf