Memories from the time in the Swiss Army
Where are they all now, 54 years later?! The second page is a price list of provisions calculated for 100 Soldiers, that I had to use during my time!
Where are they all now, 54 years later?! The second page is a price list of provisions calculated for 100 Soldiers, that I had to use during my time!
As a Chef, I arrived in Bermuda, a subtropical island in the Atlantic Ocean, about 700 miles off the coast of New York or the Carolinas, as a chef in 1972. Fresh off my military service in the Swiss Army, … Read More
This is not only my favorite Cake to enjoy, but also my favorite to make! (See my Recipe below) Ah, the Marjolaine pastry. Just saying its name feels indulgent like you’re about to embark on a journey through a gilded … Read More
Publication was around a thousand every month, with a great return rate. Kept me busy once a month to set it up!
Leadership style at eye level has always helped me the most during my hospitality career for 50 years. It didn’t matter whether I was talking to a Dishwasher, a prep cook, or a General Manager. That was always important to … Read More
Ulrich in the Dominican Republic Ulrich’s Erinnerungen der Dominikanischen Republik Chaine des Rotisseur Chapter Inauguration, Santo Domingo, DR Dominikanische Republik – Die schönsten Strände in der Karibik