August 1- Switzerland’s Federal Holiday

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Word of the Chief magistrate on the federal holiday of Switzerland, August 1st.

Dear fellow citizens!

We live in the Canton of Uri. According to the founding history of the Confederation, the Eternal Confederation of the Confederates was sworn and sealed by us on the Rütli in 1291.

730 years later, Uri is a self-confident and independent state of the Confederation in the heart of Switzerland. In Switzerland where different regions, cultures, religions, and languages ​​gradually came together.

We all – not just the politicians are meant – to give Uri the stand as an independent, solitary, and open-minded face. We want to make our contribution to the Swiss Confederation and in return, we benefit from federal services every day. Despite all the differences, there is a common will in Switzerland to stand by each other. That is what holds the Swiss nation of will together and what our prosperity and success are based on.

History tells us that we were most successful when we held together: the parts of the Land, city, and countryside, but also young and old and when the strong supported the weak. Together we have faced the difficult corona situation in recent months. This required sacrifices and special operations. By standing together, we helped overcome the crisis.

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In general, I see a positive attitude in the canton of Uri. There is a basic trust that it will go well! I am convinced that this positive attitude has helped us to survive the corona situation. During this difficult time, as an economics director, in particular, I saw many positive examples of how our Uri companies are using the new situation and turning it into a positive one.

Let us reflect on confidence and solidarity on the federal holiday. I hope that we will increasingly emphasize and promote what connects in the next few years. Let’s try to break off dividing walls and remove stones. For me, that doesn’t mean that we always have to agree. But if we can assume that everyone involved wants only the best for our canton and for our country, then we should be able to emphasize the connection and build on it.

With this in mind, I wish you a happy federal holiday.

Urban Camenzind, Chief Magistrate of the Canton of Uri, Switzerland