That blasted Umbrella!!

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We need to talk about umbrellas. 

As if the early darkness wasn’t depressing enough, it also rains regularly in the last few weeks of autumn. I’m traumatized by seasons and rain anyway, it was in fifth grade when my teacher asked me what time of year it rains the most. I said winter because I associated it with bad weather.

Our Umbrella stand used to contain at least 5-7 Umbrellas!

“Wrong,” he said!

Splashing water on an umbrella in the rain in black and white color tone

It’s summer because there are a lot of thunderstorms.

I wasn’t used to answering questions wrong at the time, and I thought about this embarrassment for weeks.

But we wanted to talk about umbrellas, they are a good invention, but they also cause problems.

Except for the part of the population that refuses them on principle (mostly males with a hoodie or equipped with fast shoes).

Maybe the men without umbrellas are right, umbrellas are absurd, let’s not fool ourselves.

You walk through the alleys and hold a stick in your hand on which a stretched plastic roof concentrates on bouncing raindrops off!!?

A dirty old forgotten umbrella at a train station.
Despite it:

As soon as it dribbles, we grab the little Knirps. If we haven’t lost him already. And that brings us to the problem I want to talk about: Umbrellas always get left somewhere!

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At a restaurant, on the train, in the shop, or with friends. The other day I visited my mother-in-law, and I observed that she must have had at least 5-6 umbrellas on the stand by her front door.  I have never seen my mother-in-law with an umbrella before, she seldom goes anywhere, especially not when it’s raining. These umbrellas must be all left-behinds by family members.

You won’t notice the loss until the next time it rains.

Double bad luck, messed up hair, a wet jacket, and a bad mood.

I have never lost an article of daily use as often as the umbrella.

Do you feel the same way?

A colleague of mine thinks he has found the solution, buy an absurdly expensive umbrella. It should cost about three times what an umbrella should cost.

He says they’ll never forget it again.

It’s worth a try, next summer will definitely come!

Below is a link if you would like to purchase an expensive Umbrella!