The 5 G unstoppable Invasion!

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As of today, 90 percent of the Swiss population has access to 5 G!

Therefore it seems that the retrofitting has been completed? But in fact and truth, the situation presents itself totally differently. What is designated as 5 G, is nothing else but an improved 4 G, which was installed over the already existing antennas. In contrary to that, Swisscom, (the Swiss Internet provider) requires new antennas for 5 G.

However, several Societies are fighting to avoid such new installations. Today there are an estimated 3000 5G-Antennas in operation in Switzerland. The Operators want more, namely over 26000 Antennas they want to install. Additionally to those, there will 30,000 Basis stations. In urban areas, according to projections, fine distributors would have to be placed every 150 to 200 meters. Through that, the population will clearly be exposed to increased total radiation network operators are complaining about this growth, while fueling it by offering unlimited cellular packages or encouraging people to use wireless internet boosters to improve cellular speed. 80 percent of the traffic is videos, the resolution of which could be cut in half if you watch them on your smartphone.

This could reduce traffic by 75 percent. In addition, people should know that wireless access (via smartphone or booster) would unnecessarily burden the cellular network and their devices and promote 5G, which many did not want.